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7 Way Approach to Write your Speech


Writing a presentation can be one of the tedious yet easiest part of our jobs. The tedious part is usually the part whereby you have to prepare for that speech. Apparently, it suddenly becomes  more fun to scrub a toilet than to write your presentation. We’ve all sat down in front of the computer and wasted hours staring at the pulsating cursor while wondering, “What the heck should I talk about?”. Its easy, when you have thought about it and gathered relevant data before getting down in front that computer. 
So here's 7 strategies designed to make your speech writing a lot easier and dandy. 

1) The computer screen is not the best place to start. 

As already implied in the first paragraph, when you have a presentation, do not press the power button of your PC just yet. You need to understand a few things and collect relevant information such as; who is your audience? For what purpose are you making that speech? What are the possible solutions and ideas you can propose in that speech? If you do not have answers to such questions yet, need to back off from the PC and get back in your mind first.

2) Define your main objective

Don't try to be the speaker of the house without a room. Take one clear, distinct and evident objective and work on it. You will be known and remembered as the one who brought that one specific change,  than when you try to include all the ideas you can think of into one allocution. You will end up sounding like a gossip and boring your audience.

3) Identify with the people's need

Giving a speech is never about you. Don't make a bucket list of all you want to say to your audience before the time is up. Identify with their most in depth distinct need. Spot what they have and what they don't have. Then when you have collected such info; I suggest you work with that 5 loaves and 2 fishes(that is, the information accessible), and you will end up feeding a thousand or more. 
Its about the assemblage not you.

4) Devise your course of action

Don't stand in that platform sounding like a chicken running for President. Do not tell them of the miracles your products have performed in the past and the change it will bring to that lives. 
Rather endear them into action. What is the one step you would want them to take towards achieving your main objective? Bring it to the floor.

5) Spend enough time to prepare

The trick is, for the more times you spent constructing your speech, the less time of the audience you will take. When its 10 minutes long, spend 60 minutes to 5 hours practicing and amending your work each day. A good percentage of  times, even a day before the presentation is to be made, you could find new information or spot an error.

6) Craft a writing model that suits you

This at times depends on your audience and main objective. Use formal and informal models where applicable. But also be as clear as air. You can map out a design off your work and have an overview look of it. Experiment with styles, strategies and outlines. Actually you must see yourself completing your work at this stage before you begin. know what they say, what the mind can conceive it will achieve.

7) Make room for others opinions and feedback

You work may always look finished and nice to you. But there could be certain errors you have overlooked or have no idea it was an error in the first place. Get someone outside your friends and family horizon to have an overview of what you have done. Usually its best to hire a coach, or one of your less acquainted experts. 

Okay, there you have it. Don't get caught up with that one grind. Follow this simple guidelines to get working and get done with it. There's always much more to look forward to. *wink* Don't worry you will get used to it.

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